2018 Goals… Wait didn’t 2018 already start?

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So this post is a little late, but not because I haven’t been thinking about it.  I have basically been thinking about these goals since I started running again after injury in June.  I do not want to dwell on the past, but look to the future! So here we go, below is a list of my top goals for 2018.  I know that I will probably end up adding more, or readjusting, but that’s ok! I think its ok to keep goals fluid.  You are always changing, so why shouldn’t your goals as well?

  1. PR in the Marathon: This one is coming up quick, with the Miami Marathon January 28th! I am super excited and committed to achieving this goal with flying colors. I have spent the last six months prepping for this one. I not only want to PR, but I want to PR big… I am aiming for 5-10 minutes off my current (320).  I know I am physically and mentally prepared, so its just all about execution now.  I am not sure if I will run another marathon in 2018, or just 2019 Boston, but the lofty goal is there to eventually run sub 3.

  2. Run 1:27 or faster for a half marathon: I am not quite sure how many halves I will do this year, but I have a few selected that I will do.  After the marathon, I want to focus on building speed for the half.

  3. Run sub 18 5k on the road

  4. Plan for races in advance: I really want to get a good schedule going of knowing in advance what races I am planning to run – 5ks, 10ks, etc.  I want to know what is coming up and when.  In the past, I have kind of just jumped into shorter races without planning for them.

  5. Increase my strength: This year I will admit it has kind of falling by the wayside.  I have always been really good at cross training and strength building.  Prior to this year, I would go to Orange Theory 3-4 days a week in addition to my running.  I noticed big differences with what I felt.  After getting injured, I shifted focus to just running and getting better there.  The last 6 weeks I have started strength training again and I want to commit to doing it 2-3 times per week in 2018.

  6. Help others achieve race goals: I know this is a goal for both of us.  We want to help others reach their goals, whether its run their first race, PR, BQ, you name it.  We have so much knowledge and experience running, that we want to share it!

  7. Stay positive and never take running for granted: Prior to injury, I never really considered what it would be like not to run.  I want to try to keep only positive thoughts in my head about running.  Keep that self doubt away! There is no room for it in 2018.

  8. Race on the track: All my recent time at the track has me missing my track days.  I want to try to find some local track events where I can race again – I would love to run the 3000m again on the track.  I am also curious to see what all my distance training would do for my time.

  9. Travel more for races: There are already a few races that I know I want to travel to this year and I will look to add more! Its a great way to integrate two of my favorite things and gives me a reason to visit places I otherwise normally wouldn’t.

  10. Keep eating chocolate and loving it: So I have a huge sweet tooth, chocolate is my favorite.  I just have this on here to remind myself you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging.  Treats are ok and you should enjoy them when you have them!

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

I am super excited to see what the next year has in store!



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The only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come