Strong Runner Chicks - Podcast

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We are super excited to be included as guests on Strong Runner Chicks podcast! We are going to have two separate casts talking about our experiences, so be sure to stay tuned for Ashley’s, which will be coming up next! You can listen to mine by clicking here. {episode 14}

Our discussions centered around the following questions:

  • How I got started in running in the 7th grade

  • My college experience running at a D1 school – Boston College

  • Why Ashley and I started 2fabfitchicks and how our friendship formed (Fun Fact: we were competitors in HS and college!)

  • Lessons I have learned along the running journey

  • Glimpse inside my life outside of running (a lot of my dog and making bangles!)

  • Training for the Miami Marathon

  • Overcoming devastating injuries (femoral neck stress fracture and crutches)


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