So how did we get here?
We have a bit of a random friendship in that it came when we were in our late twenties. Coming from Rhode Island, you know your competition. Its such a small state that you compete against everyone throughout the season, not just at the state meet. So we of course knew of each other and saw the other as our competition to beat. We were a year apart in grade levels, but there is this camaraderie with runners in our state. You knew and respected the good ones. We both went on to run in college in the Big East, Katie at Boston College and Ashley at Providence College.
We were always friendly to each other and were connected as everyone is these days, through social media. Katie was living in Atlanta and Ashley was in nearby Greenville, which is random for two Rhode Island girls. A job was sending Ashley to Georgia so she reached out on Facebook for places to live and just to catch up. We reconnected and became fast friends, as we both were still very much into fitness and running. Ashley even stayed at Katie’s apartment for a month or so as she was determining where she wanted to live next.
Ashley moved back to Boston, but we stayed in touch, talking and texting basically everyday. Our goal was to run the Boston Marathon together, so in 2014 we set out to qualify. Greenville was the race and we would be in for 2016. Injuries happen as runner know, Katie BQ’ed at the marathon and Ashley had to wait a few months to BQ in Providence. Despite living in different cities, we know each others training, we are there to encourage, and commiserate. Little did we know there would be a lot of commiseration, mostly on Katie’s side. Two BQs squandered due to injury causing her to pull out. twice.
But that’s what great about running, you can always come back stronger and more determined than ever. So we want to share our journey with you – the good, the bad, the ugly. We all know that Instagram makes it all look good, but its the bad that makes us stronger. Our goal for this blog is to share our journey in more depth and more emotion – and hopefully help and inspire other runners along the way.
Join us on our running journey!